Let’s make some cool stuff! These are what has been done, and there’s so much more!
Contact me at [[myname]]@gmail.com and let’s talk! (I’ll send a MoMath Speaker Request form.)

The Klein Quartic
here it is made out of paper:

made out of bigger stuff

Hat and Other Tilings

Zome Spectacles
Any shape or size of volume of space can be filled with wonderful Zome structures. These giant spheres resided in a three-story cylinder — we can make flatter panels or ceilings of 5 dimensional crystals and other forms.

Sidewalk chalk math art
Stencils are a fast way to make fun varied patterns

Any parking lot or large sidewalk can become a piece of mathematical art, using strings as straightedge and compass. Here are a couple of examples from a 2005 summer course on projective geometry:

New York’s hexagonal pavers are a special opportunity all over the city, for cellular automata art, polykite tiles and math games and puzzles. I haven’t done this with a group and don’t have photos. Let’s make some art and take some pix!
Many times I led group sidewalk chalking sessions, making topological and geometric drawings from special how-to-guides. I don’t have any photos. Let’s do this again and get some!
Bamboo Spectacles
This was a mainstay of mathematical participation art in Fayetteville Ark. ca. 2004-2010; it is easy to weave a lot of these bamboo stars with a group, using a special jig.