Category: sculpture

Tubing Sculpture
For a few years, I’ve been playing with tubing sculptures, like these, with the aim of illustrating symmetries of the hypersphere, described in the final chapter of The Symmetries of Things. Here are some in

Gyring Gyroid
Gyring Gyroid (w Eugene Sargent, 2012, in honor of Tom Rodgers) This piece of samurai space insect armor shows a particular mathematical surface, the gyroid, that naturally arises in many forms. Discovered by Alan Schoen,

A Woven Klein Quartic
Curvature is determined by local geometry, and this can be controlled. A pattern with a particular symmetry is often in an infinite family of patterns, all with the same underlying motif, but of varied curvature

Double Triamond, w/ Hexastix!
“Double Triamond, w/ Hexastix!” created in collaboration with Eugene Sargent, was assembled at the eighth Gathering for Gardner, at Tom Rodgers’ and Sarah Garvin’s beautiful Japanese style gardens and home in Atlanta in 2008. The

chainsaw sculpture
Wooden chainsaw sculptures, 2003-2011. The great ice storm of 2009 provided many beautiful logs to carve, but eventually, damage from Adobe Illustrator hot keys and the vibrations from the gas powered chainsaw were just too

Foam fragments of the hyperbolic plane, formed from straight flat strips of foam. Differently spaced teeth on the sides of the strips force them to curve at a steady rate: any surface with equally spaced