Some mathfun

Ptolemy Mathcards, among the finest of the world’s largest fictional mathematical trading card companies: The Math Factor CD. Check out the Mathfactor website! Infinity Number One, complete with stickers to stick and polyhedra to make!


Welcome to hyperbolic geometry, with this beautiful steel rendition of the 5444 tiling: at each corner three squares and one pentagon meet, forcing the surface to bend and coil up with negative curvature. The straight

chainsaw sculpture

Wooden chainsaw sculptures, 2003-2011. The great ice storm of 2009 provided many beautiful logs to carve, but eventually, damage from Adobe Illustrator hot keys and the vibrations from the gas powered chainsaw were just too


Foam fragments of the hyperbolic plane, formed from straight flat strips of foam. Differently spaced teeth on the sides of the strips force them to curve at a steady rate: any surface with equally spaced


Lots of great new symmetry stuff in the forthcoming Symmetries of Things: The Magic Theorem