Pictures of the kids when they were little
Needless to say, these didn’t make it into the Symmetries of Things. The first pair were rendered in Tess, a program by Chris Watley in 1992 for the NeXT computer. The latter images are seamless
Needless to say, these didn’t make it into the Symmetries of Things. The first pair were rendered in Tess, a program by Chris Watley in 1992 for the NeXT computer. The latter images are seamless
These illustrations are from the first edition of The Symmetries of Things, written with John Conway and Heidi Burgiel. Back in the day, kids, I didn’t have a way to actually draw in the computer
Ptolemy Mathcards, among the finest of the world’s largest fictional mathematical trading card companies: The Math Factor CD. Check out the Mathfactor website! Infinity Number One, complete with stickers to stick and polyhedra to make!