Tubing Sculpture
For a few years, I’ve been playing with tubing sculptures, like these, with the aim of illustrating symmetries of the hypersphere, described in the final chapter of The Symmetries of Things. Here are some in
For a few years, I’ve been playing with tubing sculptures, like these, with the aim of illustrating symmetries of the hypersphere, described in the final chapter of The Symmetries of Things. Here are some in
Curvature is determined by local geometry, and this can be controlled. A pattern with a particular symmetry is often in an infinite family of patterns, all with the same underlying motif, but of varied curvature
Here are a variety of teaching materials. (Check out the Polyhedra Party repository for the polyhedra stuff especially.)
These are designed to be printed out or photocopied onto cardstock, cheaply and easily for a classroom activity or multipart curriculum. I’ve put my full polyhedron archive on Dropbox. Here are a few samples of
These fractals are all generated by recursive rules, most of them derived from stellations, of polyhedra and polygons.
Lots of great new symmetry stuff in the forthcoming Symmetries of Things: The Magic Theorem