Tag: hyperbolic geometry

A Woven Klein Quartic
Curvature is determined by local geometry, and this can be controlled. A pattern with a particular symmetry is often in an infinite family of patterns, all with the same underlying motif, but of varied curvature

Orbifold Geometrization
I was curious about the actual algorithm for geometrizing an orbifold — it’s only lightly sketched at in Thurston’s Three Dimensional Topology and Geometry. Hence the app. The details are now inside some javascript: Check

some of the hyperbolic plane illustrations from the Symmetries of Things
These illustrations are from the first edition of The Symmetries of Things, written with John Conway and Heidi Burgiel. Back in the day, kids, I didn’t have a way to actually draw in the computer

Foam fragments of the hyperbolic plane, formed from straight flat strips of foam. Differently spaced teeth on the sides of the strips force them to curve at a steady rate: any surface with equally spaced