Pages from Topocomix

Doodlebug joins us on a tour of topological surfaces, with drawings and paper and scissor exercises. Another project to complete! Videos of the physical exercises will appear sometime — they do not seem to be

Animal drawings for kids

Working with kids gives me an outlet for drawing cute animal pictures, incorporating them into teaching materials. These are from classroom activities on logic, graph theory and topology, ages 6-12.

“Lots” of Aperiodic Sets of Tiles

Lots of Aperiodic Sets of Tiles gives intructions for producing more than 25,380 different aperiodic sets of tiles, taken in lots, from a base set of 211 tiles. These tiles allow different hierarchical structures, that


This window, in Champions Hall at the University of Arkansas, illustrates a particular twelve-fold tiling substitution scheme: each individual tine may be refined into an arc of smaller tines, and itself sits within a larger

1 of N

This was the second of Eugene Sargent‘s and my collaboration creating participation math art sculptures for the Gathering for Gardner. Here are notes. The fundamental question is, what is N? How many paths were available

Some polyhedra to print out and make

These are designed to be printed out or photocopied onto cardstock, cheaply and easily for a classroom activity or multipart curriculum. I’ve put my full polyhedron archive on Dropbox. Here are a few samples of